Safety and Active Transportation

12 years ago, I co-founded Albany Strollers & Rollers a bicyclist and pedestrian advocacy group dedicated to making Albany a better place to walk and ride for all its citizens. This issue in a passion of mine and my group has grown to 600 member households in Albany. Albany Strollers & Rollers works tirelessly to make sure that facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists move forward in Albany. Additionally, the group can be seen organizing valet bike parking at a number of events throughout the year including valet parking at two locations at the Solano Stroll. It's members additionally work in the schools assisting with bicycle education programs and help out at the yearly Albany Police Activities League's Bicycle Rodeo. The "bike bike" racks around town are a cooperative program with the City, Business Owners and Albany Strollers & Rollers, bringing needed racks to the City and visual interest to the streets. Through the support of grants, Albany Strollers & Rollers has brought millions to the city for transportation infrastructure projects.



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